Jamie Oliver 15 Minute Meals- page 64

Sizzling Beef Steak, Hoisin Prawn and Noodle Bowls.

noodle beef

Stop the clock!!!! 19min47secs!!!!

There are two possibilities here:

1. The pages and meals I am choosing are getting easier or

2. I am getting better at this.

I fancy the latter, so we will go with that. For example; tonight I once again had the pleasure of cooking for friends and sharing my involvement with Jamie with others. My female friend was game enough to even come in to the kitchen while I was in the throes of cooking. When I had finished plating up and was asked to guess my time I got it within 2 seconds. So I am sticking with number 2- I am getting better at this(and I’m awesome of course!).

The meal was so filling, everyone was happy and content after the meal and all comments were how the flavours married perfectly together. The thing Jamie does the best in all his meals is balance the sweet and heat with the acidity to achieve these beautiful flavours. Tonights meal had a lot of flavours going on but it was all so complementary. Without the acidity of the lime juice to finish off the sauce I think it would have been heavy and thick but it was light and yummy and coated the egg noodles so evenly.

The steak had ample time to cook through and by the time it was served and photographed it was sufficely rested and juicy. The five spice that was rubbed in to the meat was so delicate and non affronting that it again complemented the flavours throughout the rest of the dish. I used one 480g steak and that was more than enough for 4 adults.

close up beef

One big tip for tonight- keep an eye on the peanuts and sesame seeds, it is easy to forget they are cooking because they are dry roasting so you are not hearing the frying or seeing the colour changes. So remember to turn them and take them off the heat before they burn. I caught them just in time tonight. Roasted peanuts really are delightful and I’m not usually a nut-in-meals fan.

This dish could easily be a weekly or fortnightly addition to the family dinner plan, it is easy and relatively cost effective but most of all it is quick and the adaptations for a 2 person dinner is so simple.

Happy eating and cooking with Jamie and Netti-I am certain you will like this one as much as we did. xxx

Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals-page 62

Beef Stroganoff, Fluffy Rice, Red Onion and Parsley Pickle.

Stop the clock!!! Yet another record!!! 17mins23sec!!!

I knew it was quick but didn’t think it was going to be that quick. Husband says I was plating up the rice when the clock reached the 15 minute mark.

This meal has some classic elements of a traditional stroganoff: ingredients such as beef (of course), paprika, garlic, mushrooms and a creaminess of sorts but it is definitely not a traditional stroganoff. This dish has a freshness to it. It is like an adaption of a stodgy winter comfort meal that has been given a fresh new summer look. The gherkin mixture just pimps the whole meal and allows it to rock it’s new image.
Recipe says this meal feeds four; we just fed 2 adults, a 4 year old and a 20 months old-technically four but if you want to make sure you feed four adults add more beef and more rice.

Tips to speed up this meal and nail the 15 minutes.
1. Don’t clean the bench in the middle of cooking.
2. Try precut strips of beef.
3. Choose Greek natural yoghurt not Vaalia as it doesn’t curdle in the pan, so you don’t need to stop, drain and add the right one.


Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals- page 48


page 48

Golden Chicken, Braised Greens & Potato Gratin

Stop the clock!!!!!!! We have a new record!!! 23mins16secs!!!!!!

What a rush. Tonights meal was hectic. It was full on but every section of the instructions slotted into make the timing of this meal just perfect.

I was worried the potato simply wouldn’t be cooked thoroughly in 15 minutes but it was and it was delicious. So simple was it to make with just sage leaves and cream with a sprinkling of parmesan. Jamie really does have a knack for taking the simple things in life and making them extraordinary. Everytime I got to a step that involved the potato- it was perfectly ready to be moved on. I thought I may have burnt it under the grill but when it came out it was as if I had planned it to a tee. Soft right through, the cream had thickened and the parmesan had browned. Succinctly it was just right.

potato gratin

Tonight the greens were my favourite. When I say Jamie does simple the best I mean it. These vegetables were simply sweated down leeks with frozen peas and wilted baby spinach and it was beautiful. A great accompaniment to both the chicken and the gratin (pronounced gra-tarn)

We were lucky enough to have friends join us for dinner tonight. They got to witness the chaos that occurs in the kitchen on a Jamie night. Tonight I seemed extra clumbsy. I dropped the pepper shaker and a jar of homemade bolognese sauce from the pantry (lucky it didn’t break) but it did welcome a ‘you’re wasting precious time’ comment from our male friend. Hilarious when you are racing the clock.

golden chicken and greens

In all seriousness the meal would have been quicker but I like my bacon crispy so I put it in the pan for a bit longer.

Tips for tonight.

1. Watch the chicken- I may have slightly overcooked it but it was still juicy and nice.

2. With the chicken if you want a bit more flavour and a more golden colour I think when you bash it, you might like to add a coating of English Mustard powder for that extra flavour hit ( although my husband disagrees and thinks it was wonderful the way it was)

3. If you add an extra piece of chicken this meal could easily have fed 5 adults or 4 adults and 2 children comfortably.

This was both a delight to make and eat- and the kitchen didn’t really suffer at all tonight, more pots and pans in array than food everywhere. One dishwasher will fix everything 🙂

Happy cooking and eating with Jamie and Netti xx

Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals- page 252

Sweet Naughty Beginning

Stop the Clock!!!!!!!!! 6minutes17sec!!!!

OMG- absolutely genius!!!!

This little delight is a breakfast toastie. It was amazing. The perfect combination. I love banana and dark chocolate at the best of times but mixed with the ricotta and honey it just goes to an all new level.

I made this for a late lunch and the way the chocolate oozed out of every bite was more than satisfying, it completed me. So corny but that’s how good this was- seriously try it and try it now.

If I ever meet Jamie Oliver……….

Happy cooking and tastebud tingling eating with Jamie and Netti xx20130117-154845.jpg20130117-154855.jpg

Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals- page 72

Beef Chimichurri, New Potatoes and Crunch Salad.

beef chimichurri

Stop the clock 21mins42secs!!!!!

I know you are thinking ” Wow under 22 minutes, this chick is getting good!” But let me tell you how tonights meal went.

At 14.13  I was cleaning the mess from my benches and packing away the condiments. The knife was only just getting stuck in the potatoes and the meat was soft to the touch but looking good.

The recipe says ‘cook the meat to your liking’, I like my meat medium-rare and at 17.08 the new potatoes were finished and waiting with the salad on the platter. I had the meat on the chopping board and sliced the first strip ( as I am pregnant I need my meat well done) and it was still medium-well back in the pan it went til the 21 minute mark.

I always wait until the dinner is completely served up on the platters picture perfect before I stop the clock but I was really excited about the timing for tonights meal.

Meat tip- if you are really in a hurry you can achieve a 15 minute meal with this dish by simply slicing the steak before you put it in the pan just the same as you would with stirfry beef ( this will speed up the cooking but likely lead it to be well done. If that’s how you like it then you are on to a winner.

The Chimichurri (green dipping sauce) was the kicker. It had just the right amount of punch and gave something exciting and new to the different elements in the dish. When a top the steak it was punchy and hot. When mixed into a crushed potato it was flavoursome and exotic. It was definitely the most versatile component of tonights dinner.

The preparation of the potatoes tonight was different, I couldn’t taste the lemon over them but my husband said it was a gentle flavour that perked up the spuds.

Easy rating on this meal and speedy too, great for a night when you arrive home at 6.30pm from the Gold Coast and an afternoon at SeaWorld with 2 hungry tired children. Oh and it also beats any of the ‘fast food’ you may have been tempted by on the highway.

Happy cooking and eating with Jamie and Netti

Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals- page 28

Spicy Cajun Chicken, Smashed Sweet Potato and Fresh Corn Salsa.

side by side

Stop the clock!!!!!!!!!!! 27mins25sec!!!

Stop the press. The cajun chicken is mindblowing. The flavour is spectacular. The crunch is perfect and mixed with the sweet potato mash it is a match made in heaven.

cajun chicken

The whole meal was fantastic and again I ate too much. Oooops- but tonight there were no left-overs whatsoever. Just from the few meals I have made from Jamie’s 15 minute meals it is easy to see he favours quite a few ingredients for many of his meals. The way he tweaks the dishes with the slightest differences is why he is amazing. And honestly the reason I am in love with him. That and the fact he is funny. Funny always wins.

The addition of the lime juice in the salsa is the key to that element of this meal. I chose to omit the chilli tonight for the sake of the children- especially after watching them suffer through last nights dinner. It was still exceptional, more so due to the fact we were blessed with vine-ripened home grown tomatoes.


Everything ran smoothly in the kitchen whilst trying to create this evenings dinner, the only thing I can think of that would make this meal faster to create is practise- that and an apprentice of course!!

As I have repeatedly made clear I think Jamie’s meals are just wonderful, the thing I HATE- there I said it HATE, is the way my kitchen ends up a bomb site after each dish is plated.
I am normally a put-it-back-where-it-goes-when-you-are-finished-with-it kinda girl so looking around when I finish cooking is often a shock.
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t change it- I love the rush of trying to beat the clock and just one of these days I swear I will.

Definitely make this meal and soon. It is as good as it looks.
just one tip from tonight.

on the plate

GET SOME SHARP, SHARP KNIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy cooking and eating with Jamie and Netti xx

Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals- page 180

Winter Squash Penne with a Mint and Avocado Chopped Salad.

Stop the clock 21mins32sec!!!!

winter squash penne!

The heading for this meal doesn’t describe it accurately. It would better be titled Spicy Pumpkin Penne and Garden Salad. The photos of this dish were the least appealing of all the pasta dishes but we had 90% of the ingredients and with 15 minute meals the ease of production is the highest priority. This is especially true when looking for meals for the whole family. I have 2 small boys, one with food intolerances so trying to cater for everyone is often a huge challenge and as you will see we didn’t quite get it right tonight either!

The flavours in the pasta were powerful, the combination of the fennel seeds and the chilli really hit you with every mouthful. It was almost like a curry dahl topped over penne. This was too much for son number 1 and he needed his pasta rinsed. It was a little funny, but not as much as watching my almost 2 year old pull the ‘ooh something wrong with this’ face and go back for more. He was a lot stronger and got through his pasta with a few sips of water in between. For us adults it was just the right balance of spice and flavour. If you however are not a fan of chilli I would be more inclined to add dried chilli flakes or a dash of cayenne pepper instead of the chilli.Dinner is on the table.

Now for the ease of process- if you don’t already have a food processor you need to get one. There are no prizes for second place here.

It really was as simple as chuck in the butternut pumpkin pieces(skin and all) along with the onion, fennel seeds and chilli blitz it and throw it in a large saucepan with some stock and a tin of chickpeas to simmer. Pasta topping done.

Seriously though most pasta dishes are not that difficult or time consuming at all. In the time it took for the pasta to cook everything could have been done or sooner.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

It took me the extra minutes tonights because the one thing I forgot to put on the bench I couldn’t find. The darn stick mixer attachment has conveniently gone missing- so I used a masher.


1. Get all your equipment and ingredients out on the bench before you begin.

2. You just need enough stock to cover the pumpkin mix otherwise it gets pretty watery and can become a pasta soup (delicious though :-))

3. The salad is just a basic garden salad so add whatever extras you like to it such as olives or carrot.

4. The topping would make a great dip for crackers if you just gently heated it through without adding the stock- or just a little to cook down.


As with most of Jamie’s meals I eat too much because it is just that tasty and flavoursome. Of course was the case tonight, so as I write this and plan the size last nights cheesecake that I can fit in I leave you with one last thought.

Statistics  show that of those who contract the habit of eating, very few  survive.
George  Bernard Shaw
So remember eat, enjoy and remain satisfied not engorged. Happy cooking with Jamie and Netti xx

Jamie Olivers 15 minute meals -page 112

'The dish is lovely but honey in the kitchen you are a cross between Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay"

‘The dish is lovely but honey in the kitchen you are a cross between Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay”

Mustard Lamb on Irish Mash with a Watercress Apple Salad

Stop the clock!!!!!!!!! 37 mins 44 sec

There are flavour bursts of mustard with the occasional forkful of lamb. The texture combination of the smooth Irish mash and the crispy salad combined are just a party in my mouth and not to mention the view of the meal on the plate in front of me making the meal that much more enjoyable.

The lamb was mouth wateringly tasty but could be improved with a longer resting time. As with all first attempts you are never quite satisfied completely and immediately know how you would improve it for next time. As is the case with the lamb. I was so caught up with racing the clock and getting things done in the right order that I probably cooked the lamb for a little too long, which obviously meant it didn’t get an adequate time for resting. The biggest tip with the flavour of the meat that I could offer would be to go nuts with the English Mustard as the bursts of flavour on the bits that were thoroughly coated were extraordinary.

The kitchen is an absolute mess. Grated apple and leek all over the bench from my altercation with the lid on the food processor.  The christening of my new food processor was lets just say an ongoing battle but still a lot quicker than the alternative. It made the salad a whiz to make in a total of 3 minutes or less. It’s amazing how the simple combination of celery, apple, mint and watercress was married perfectly with a drizzle of cider vinegar to finish.

I loved the picture of this meal, it really reached out to me. This is the main reason I chose this one as the first one to try.

The positives were that the flavours were fantastic. It really would be a quick meal when the instructions are followed properly. 🙂

The negatives-obviously for me was the time it took to complete. I cleaned the pan before I read you need to use the juices for the gravy and the gravy would have been an amazing flavour finish to the meat. I forgot to put the leeks in the food processor with the spuds resulting in a time delay to allow for the leeks to soften. I didnt drain the potatoes and leeks properly so the mash was runnier than I would have preferred it.

I think the flavour hits that suffered from these tiny mistakes would definitely lift the meal for take 2.

Some tips to take away for next time.

1. Read ALL the instructions right to the end before starting, this will save time on swearing and tantrums.

2. Drain the potato and leek properly- otherwise the mash will be a thinner consistency whether you like it or not.

3. Heavily and thoroughly coat the lamb with the English Mustard- the flavour hits on the lamb were extraordinary.

4. Mix up the salad with a red apple next time to see how the flavours change.

5. Most importantly remember to stop and breathe and relax once you have served up the meal so you don’t just scoff the meal- enjoy your efforts xx

Hope you enjoy this meal. I will surely be making it again in the near future without the mistakes, I will blog all my round 2 attempts at all my meals for you as well. Happy cooking with Jamie and Netti xx